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Position History FAQ
Updated over 6 months ago
  1. What is position history?

Position history provides statistics on tradings, profits and losses, funding costs, and handling fees for each position from the time it was opened to the time it was closed, helping users review their own trading activities during the position cycle and make more informed investment decisions. .

  1. Which products support viewing position history?

Position history currently only applies to perpetual futures (perps) trades and does not include other types of trades such as options. Users can currently only view position operations and related data related to perps.

  1. What is the relationship between orders, trades and position history?

Order is an aggregation of trading records based on order number.

Position history is an aggregation of trading records based on the position cycle (from opening to full closing).

When a trade spans two position periods (such as from long to short, short to long), one trade record will be split into two. The records of the current position cycle will only count the number of trade, trading fees, and funding fees related to this cycle, and the remaining trading information will be counted in the next position cycle.

  1. Will position history show relevant fees?

Yes, in addition to displaying position changes, the position history will also count and display the trading fees, liquidation fees, and funding fees incurred during the position cycle.

  1. What is the historical average opening price?

The historical average opening price is the weighted average price of all positions (including opening positions). Note: This is different from the average opening price of positions we usually see. In the same way, the historical position closing price is the weighted average price of all position reduction directions (including position closing).

  1. How is the formula for realized profit and loss calculated?

Realized profit and loss = unrealized profit and loss (position profit and loss) - handling fee + funding fee - liquidation fee (if any)

  1. How to check the position details of the current position on the APP?

Click the "Trade" tab at the bottom, find "Perp", and then you can see all your current positions. Click on any of your positions to enter the position details of that position.

In the position history interface, you can view the position PNL, PNL%, number of position adjustments, position duration, average opening price, average closing price, maximum position amount, related fees, etc. of the current position.

You can also view the details of the position adjustment record.

  1. How to check the closed position history on the APP?

As shown in the figure below, on the "Perp" trading tab page, there are two entrances to enter the position history:

Here, you can also see relevant information about historical closed positions, net income, realized profit and loss, closing profit and loss, handling fees, funding fees, position adjustment history, etc.

  1. How to view the position details of the current position on the web?

The open position will be displayed at the bottom of the perpetual trading page. Click on the details to enter the position details.

  1. How to view the position history on the web?

Directly click the "Position History" tab at the bottom of the perpetual futures trading page to enter the historical position list. Click "Details" of a position to view its corresponding information.

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